Friday, September 18, 2009

Today blows

Not a good day. I'm feeling too depressed to function well. It's dark and dreary outside so this doesn't help. Tried reading, but can't keep focused, I even have the new Dan Brown book. I'm going back to Richmond on the 27th and I think this has something to do with it, the trip is too soon on the back of the last one two weeks ago. Won't go back until Dec. when Michael graduates from the State Police Adademy. It doesn't help that I feel like the Pilsbury Dough Boy. I have until Dec. to lose a significant amount of weight. That's three months I could possibly lose 30 pounds if I really tried. What a pain. Deepprreessiioonn looms!! What a lovely post.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The slug from hell

Well it's Sunday, and I slept until 11, woke up screwed with facebook and other asundry computer tasks until 3:30 and have been watching tv ever since. I'm definately in slug mode. I did get in some illustrating, that was my one accomplishment. I sit on my ass more than I stand on my feet.

I did manage to unpack all the things I brought back from my parent's house last weekend. They moved into an assisted living facility and us kids ransacked the house for three days. I didn't get much, I just can't assimilate any more into my already crowded apt.

I find that I truely enjoy facebook, I've gotten back in touch with a lot of old friends and family. It's been great talking to them and finding out what they're up to.

As you know in some of my past posts, and it's been awhile, I've been crocheting afghans for my family for Christmas. And what does my mother give everyone while we were home her old afghans, ain't that some shit. Oh well they'll just have to have two.

It's been such a cool summer, today was only 70, I wasn't planning on turning on the heat until December to save money, looks like I'll have to sooner than planned at least to 50 and just wear a lot of clothes. I hate winter, If I had my way I'd be a bag person in FL or California.

The window man is coming at the end of the month to put in new storm windows. Great you say. But you haven't seen my apt. it's wall to wall stuff, shelves, drafting tables, huge L shaped computer table, bed wedged in a corner, clothes rack full of clothes in front of window, very eclectic but a bit over the edge, so I'm a bit anxious about this project and of course need to be here when he comes. But then I'm always a bit anxious over everything, did I say a bit? HaHa
right, rightious overkill.

Well on to more mindless TV

Saturday, May 23, 2009

What's happenin'

Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything. I tend to forget that I have a blog page. So what's new? Well, I'm working on my third afghan. It's in the blue family for my brother and sister-in-law for Christmas. I wanted to make it a ripple pattern but for some reason I just can't get the pattern right, it is always off and I can't get the ripples right. Oh well, I'll stick to the pattern that I know works, 'sc ch1 sc' and so on.

I've met someone on We've had one date and are going to get together this sunday. He'll get to see my apartment. I'm not sure what he'll think, I tend to embrace my inner child and have stuffed animals all around as well as kenetic toys. There are canvases everywhere, and piles of fabric for sewing. The walls are covered with my artwork, there's no space left to hang anything else. Hopefully he'll embrace my eccentricities. I'll get to see his house too. That should be interesting. He's got a huge garden that I want to see as well.

I'm still working on a children's book for a friend, I'm doing the artwork. I'm to the point that I'm actually drawing and coloring. I'm using colored pencils to give me a larger color pallet.

I'm sewing, trying to finish summer dresses and short tops to wear with jeans. I've got 5 dresses to make. So I need to get going before summer is over. I can make one in two days so if I work diligently I can be finished in 10 days, theoretically.

Well that's all for today. Later!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Well, it's been a while since I've written anything. I've finished two of my three afghans. The last one took an interminably long amount of time. I don't know what I'm going to crochet after the last one is finished.

I'm illustrating a children's book for a client of mine. It's twenty pages and I've finished the roughs. It's called color pals and is about the adventures of these little people who are rendered in the primary colors. It's going to take me months to finish all of them.

Next month I'm going to my brother's for a week. My sister-in-law and I are going beach camping for three days. I'm sure we'll have a great time if the mosquitos and black flies don't eat us alive. We're going to Assatigue island.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

here we go again

Well another day is upon us. I'm currently working on a new afghan. I'm trying to get ahead of next Christmas. I've finished one and I'm almost finised this one. I've already bought the yarn for the next one and think I'll try a ripple pattern. I've had trouble in the past with ripple patterns, I could never get the to turn out right, but I'm willing to try again. I have to have something to crochet all the time. It relieves my anxiety and gives my hands something to do.
I'm currently reading the Twilight series for a second time. I love the books. I have the DVD, the CD, and a bookmark from the movie. I'm a twilight junkie. I've watched the movie 6 times. Is anyone else out there a fan?
I'm working on a children's book for a friend, I'm handeling the artwork. It's coming along slowley. I'm a bit out of practice with my illustrating but It's coming back to me. I also still have those 6 canvases that need to be painted. I'm waiting for the mood to strike me.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Long time no talk

It's been a little while since I've posted. I have my camera back from being repaired so I'll post a photo of my latest afghan soon. My latest sweater is also going very well, only two sleeves to go.
I found out that I have to have arthroscopic surgery on my knee this month. Bummer, there goes my gym workouts for some time to come. To make it worse I'll have to wear a knee breace that's metal. It's huge, my pants will have to fit over it, no skinny jeans here. I'm going to be really self conscious about it for a while I'm sure.
I was on Ravelry the other day and saw some absolutely beautiful knit pieces. I was so jealous. My work looked clumsy next to them. I wish I were an accomplished knitter. It was in fact one of my new years resolutions. But I have to finish the projects at hand first.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Another day in paradise

WEll, it's another day in paradise. It snowed all of last night and I'm supposed to go home to Richmond today. I just have to hope that the roads have been plowed. I'm nowere ready to go. But It's only 6:30 in the morning so I have some time to pack. I had a crappy day yesterday. I had an appointment with someone who I'm volunteering for and I thought it was at his house and he thought it was at a coffee shop so we bothe showed up at our respective places and waited then finally went home. For me it was an hour drive each way so I used a quarter tank of gas almost and two hours of my day. Then this man I met on e-harmony was supposed to call but he didn't, I think he got cold feet. Who knows. No photos today, I'm still working on the afghan and the sweater, it's a raglan and I've finished the back. I'm taking the afghan to Richmond to work on whild I'm there to pass the time. Well time to go pack, later.